Slimming exercises

abdominal slimming exercises

Perhaps one of the most common problems in women is a bulky or sagging tummy, which can appear due to many factors. Poor nutrition, pregnancy, childbirth, hormonal disorders - this is just a small list of reasons why fat appears in the abdomen. The question is: how to get rid of excess belly fat? We will be happy to provide the answer to this question in today's article.

So, the first thing that will help us in the fight against belly fat is proper nutrition and exercise. To help you, you can resort to a diet for the abdomen or good nutrition. In addition, you can independently create a nutrition program that will help you lose weight, including in the abdominal region. For this, baked goods, carbonated drinks, smoked and fatty foods and alcohol should be excluded from the diet. The diet should be composed so that it is dominated by diet fruits, vegetables and meats.

Well, for a stable and lasting result, in addition to the diet, you need to actively participate in sports. Jogging, swimming, dancing, and exercising at the gym can help.

A series of exercises to refine the abdomen

However, if you do not have time for all of the above physical activities outside the home, then you can successfully perform a series of abdominal weight loss exercises at home.

Note that only 20 minutes a day is enough for your stomach to become flat and beautiful. The main rule is that classes should be held regularly.

So what exercises will help you lose weight in the tummy area?

Exercise number 1

Sit on the floor, rest your legs on a fixed, stable object, and lean sideways, front to back, holding your hands in the lock at the back of your head. This exercise is a kind of warm-up that will prepare the muscles for further work.

Exercise number 2

Lying on the floor, lift both legs up to a 90-degree angle with your knees unbent and your upper body off the floor. The number of repetitions - from 15 (add 2-3 lifts each day).

Exercise number 3

Lie on the floor and pull the bent right knee and the elbow of the left hand towards each other, then straighten up and do the same with the left knee and the right elbow. Repeat 20 times for each position.

Exercise number 4

Lie on the floor, straighten up, slightly bend your legs at the knees and raise your pelvis to the maximum possible height. Now hold this position for 10 seconds and slowly lower yourself down. Repeat the exercise 15 times. Note that this exercise not only tightens the abdomen, but also strengthens the muscles of the buttocks and legs.

Exercise number 5

Lying on the floor, bend your legs slightly at the knees, while your back and legs form a straight line and your arms are gently drawn behind your head. Now slowly lift your upper body so that your chest touches your bent knees. You should start exercises from 5 times, gradually increasing the amount to the maximum possible for you, but without causing unpleasant or painful sensations.

Belly slimming exercises for men

The exercises described above can be used successfully not only by women. But as for men, we can advise them a few additional exercises that will create the desired loads on the oblique muscles, biceps and lower legs:

  • Sit on the floor, leaning back slightly and leaning on your hands. Lift both legs at the same time, press them against your stomach and lower them to the floor, straightening up.
  • The starting position is the same as in the previous exercise. Do the same, only alternating with your right and left legs, pressing them against your chest (tilt your torso slightly forward) and straightening them to the floor.
  • Lie on the floor with your knees bent. Press your hands on your chest, clenching your palms in a fist. Abruptly stretch your left and right arms in turn (as if you were boxing), trying to lift your active shoulder as much as possible.
  • The starting position is the same as in the previous exercise. Only now we have to try to reach the knee with the hand: now with the right, now with the left, then with both at the same time.
  • Take the starting position as for push-ups - place your body horizontally on the floor, face down, supporting yourself on your palms and toes. Now, alternately tearing off the opposite arm and leg, connect them with your elbow and knee in the abdomen. So, keeping your right hand and your left foot on the ground, press the elbow of your bent left hand against the knee of your right leg bent under your belly. Keep your balance.
  • The starting position is the same as in the previous exercise. Keeping your back and lower back as still as possible parallel to the floor, alternately raise your arm and leg on opposite sides. So, lift your left arm and right leg off the floor, while rocking them sharply upward. Repeat with the right arm and left leg.
  • Lie on the floor with your arms by your side. Raise your straight legs and hold them for a few seconds (gradually increase this time). Don't raise your head while doing that.
  • The starting position of the body is the same as in the previous exercise. Do all the same, just lift your head and shoulders up at the same time.

Start with 15 repetitions for each exercise, gradually increasing their number - at least up to 20, but better up to 50 or more, because the result will directly depend on, among other things, the number of repetitions. At first, it will be enough to do 3 times a week, but gradually increase the number of workouts to 5, without forgetting to diversify the exercises and increase the number of their repetitions.

However, the exercises described for slimming the abdomen for men will also be useful for women, so give them a try, ladies!

Exercises to slim the sides of the abdomen

And that's not all. There are also special exercises for losing weight on the sides of the abdomen. They are very effective and able to adjust the figure:

  • Place your feet shoulder-width apart, the arms can be placed on the future waist. Now bend diagonally forward to the left leg - back to the right. Tilt 90 °, then change direction. Try to feel the tension on the sides, this is where the crease should occur. Later, you can complicate this exercise by raising your arm and bending your leg at the knee.
  • Lie on the floor, spread your arms out to your sides, bend your legs at the knees and press them against your stomach. Without lifting your upper back off the floor, place your feet on the floor to the right or left of your thigh.
  • Lie on your side on the floor with your arm bent at the elbow. Place your feet on a hill (for example, on a stool). Now lift your body by extending your bent arm, but from the elbow to the palm it should be snug against the floor to support you. In this case, the body should assume an upright position, parallel to the ground. The upper arm is placed at the waist. Bend your body at waist level, performing rocking movements, while keeping the canopy in place. Repeat 15 times. Do the same by changing the "active" side of the waistline.

To shape the waist, it makes a lot of sense to also do lunges, squats, hoop and hoop work.

That's all! Now you know how to get rid of belly fat and become the owner of beautiful abs! But remember that if after 2 weeks of regular intensive training you do not notice any positive results at all, it means that you are either eating badly or doing the exercises badly: pay attention to technique and do not be lazy! You should be able to feel the muscles you are working with during the exercise. And remember that all quality weight loss happens systemically: good nutrition and regular physical activity.

Good luck and wonderful results!