Diabetic diet

By following a strict and balanced diet, diabetes can be cured. Diet for diabetes mellitus will slow down the rate of development of the disease and have a beneficial effect on the patient's condition. It must be observed at all times. The main methods of preventing unwanted consequences are self-discipline and a varied diabetic menu.

products for diabetes

General recommendations

When diabetes has just started, it is imperative to limit foods high in carbohydrates and sugar, as they can raise blood sugar. But despite everything, regardless of the established restrictions, the body needs a balanced supply of useful components. In this case, doctors prescribe a dietetic meal for the patient. Not dieting can have a negative impact on your health. Of course, prescribed medications must be taken. But a detailed diet for diabetes, compiled by a doctor, will only improve fitness.

To control hunger, you need to eat often - at least 5-6 times a day and in small portions, including main meals and snacks.

For patients with diabetes mellitus, there are principles of diet therapy. If you suffer from first degree obesity, it is better to focus on vegetables and fruits rather than flour or fatty foods. It is more useful to season salads with olive oil with the addition of a few drops of lemon. To speed up the metabolic processes of the liver, low-fat cottage cheese, soy, oatmeal and lean fish should be present in the diet. It is best to prepare vegetable broths from the first courses. You should wait with meat broths or cook soups on a secondary broth. Need to limit the consumption of eggs, potatoes, corn. If there is, then very little and rarely. As for salt, the recommended serving per day is less than half a teaspoon. And it is desirable that it be sea salt.

Nutritional characteristics for different categories

pregnancy and diabetes diet

The fact is that the goal of the diet depends on the type of diabetes mellitus and the category to which the person belongs: for children, for pregnant women, for insulin-dependent people or in case of onset diabetes, nutrition varies. Although general dietary principles apply to all categories, each of them requires a distinct approach to the matter.

Eating simple foods is the best nutrition for pregnancy with associated diabetes.

A strict diet for people with type 1 diabetes, that is, people who need insulin, should consist of foods high in protein and fiber. You will need to limit the intake of salt, fats, fast carbohydrates, and foods that irritate the gastrointestinal tract, and also contain sugar.

Unlike diabetes on the maintenance of insulin, in type II diabetes mellitus, the diet helps to reduce the calorie content of food and normalize the metabolism. With excess sugar in the blood, such a diet will affect its reduction. The same diet will be used during the onset of diabetes. A pregnant woman's diet should be as balanced as possible without harming the baby. The best diet for a mother-to-be is a simple diet.

About the glycemic index and calories

cooking food in a multicooker for diabetes

The nutritional value of products determines how many useful components will be converted into energy for the body. And the glycemic index of foods indicates how quickly carbohydrates are absorbed, while raising blood sugar. Therefore, with type 2 diabetes, you need to eat foods with a low glycemic index because the carbohydrates in them have time to be spent by the body and evenly distributed throughout the body. And the carbohydrates in foods with such a high rate contribute to the deposition of fat, not having time to fully convert into energy.

In addition to the number of calories, the value of the glycemic index of various foods can be found from tables on a scale from 0 to 100. But in order to plan a diet effectively, you need to take into account a number of factors thataffect the change in calorie content and glycemic index. The main ones include:

Cooking in a slow cooker is one of the acceptable ways to reheat food.

  • Cooking mode. The glycemic index of foods increases with heat treatment, especially if they are fried. Products should be baked, boiled or cooked in a slow cooker.
  • Fiber properties. Eating the peels of fruits, grains and beans will slow down the breakdown of glucose, preventing a rise in the glycemic index.
  • The maturity of fruits and vegetables. The riper the fruit, the higher in calories.

What can you eat?

The initial stage of diabetes may not be complicated if diet therapy is strictly followed.

Here is a list of foods that can diversify your daily diet menu as much as possible:

  • soups based on vegetable broths, as well as low-fat meat starters 1-2 times a week;
  • whole grain and bran bread;
  • cooked, steamed or baked chicken, turkey, rabbit, young beef;
  • Maximum diet seafood and fish of low-fat varieties: pink salmon, hake, pike;
  • buckwheat, wheat porridge, oatmeal;
  • low-fat milk and cottage cheese;
  • 1 egg per day;
  • unsweetened vegetables and fruits;
  • homemade sauces made from vegetables and dairy products;
  • desserts and dishes for diabetics;
  • any tea, latte, herbal teas (especially with the addition of rose hip), unsweetened fresh fruit juices.

What should not be consumed?

pasta rejection in diabetes mellitus

People with hyperglycemia should forgo pasta.

Foods that are not recommended for diabetics are listed below:

  • high calorie desserts and pastries;
  • chocolate and cocoa;
  • jam, jam and honey;
  • fresh and dried fruits high in sugar, such as raisins and bananas, figs, raisins and dates;
  • fatty meat dishes;
  • animal fat;
  • pasta, rice and semolina;
  • smoked and canned;
  • dairy products with a high percentage of fat and sugar;
  • alcoholic beverages.

How to replace the evil?

Delicious and sweet foods should be excluded from the diabetes menu. But harmful products need the right replacement. Diabetic food is the simpler alternative. Options to replace prohibited products can be found on the shelves of regular grocery stores as well as in specialty grocery stores. The table indicates which healthy foods can replace prohibited foods.

Food prohibitedWhat to replace
White flour bread Peeled rye bread
Sweets and desserts Fruits of trees and shrubs, diabetic desserts
Animal fats Vegetable oils
Fatty meats and cheeses Lean meat, avocado
Cream Low fat dairy products

Table number 9

water for diabetes

The diet consists of drinking about 2 liters of water per day.

According to Diet 9, no more than 2, 400 calories are allowed per day. If translated into grams, this equals 85g of protein, 80g of vegetable fat, and 300g of carbohydrate. The diet in case of suspected diabetes mellitus should be physiologically balanced.

With diabetes and types 1 and 2, the daily water intake should be 2-3 liters at the rate of 30-40 mm per kilogram of body weight. It is recommended to use only purified water, free from pathogenic microbes and bacteria.

Prolonged lack of clean water can lead to dehydration / dehydration. For a diabetic, the loss of 25% of body fluids can be fatal.

In addition to clean water, diabetics can use "mineral water". However, it can be different. Table versions with a mineralization of up to 1 g per liter are allowed to drink without restrictions. They contain safe amounts of minerals. Eating "mineral water" stimulates digestion and improves insulin absorption. Before use, open the bottle and wait for the gases to "escape".

Sample menu

The diet of a diabetic should be varied.

The best solution is to create a menu a week or a month in advance. But for starters, you can get away with an everyday menu. When compiling the menu, you need to select the most diabetic recipes. In addition, from the usual dishes you can also compose a weekly menu. Eating the right daily diet will increase your chances of recovery. Below is a sample menu for diabetes mellitus.

While eatingWashing up
Breakfast Vegetable salad, buckwheat or oatmeal, cottage cheese, boiled fish
First snack Fruits, vegetable compote, compote
Having dinner Vegetables, fish, mushroom soup, fish soup; boiled meat, cereal garnish
Afternoon tea Fruit or vegetable salad, cheesecakes, tea
Having dinner Steamed cutlets, vegetable stew
Second supper Kefir, milk, yogurt

Main meals

zucchini in sour cream for diabetes

A diabetic's breakfast should be generous, but overeating and eating heavy foods, including grains and legumes, except buckwheat and oatmeal, is not worth it. You can make salads, mousses from fruits, berries and vegetables. Dairy products are also the basis of a good breakfast. Lightly fried zucchini in a light sour cream sauce will make a great appetizer.

A good breakfast for diabetics will be mushroom, vegetable, grain or bean soups, cooked in meat broth. As a main course, you can eat porridge with a salad or a meat cutlet. The best dressing is olive, flax, or cedar oil, which is high in polyunsaturated fatty acids. You can have a snack between meals with lactic acid products with the addition of delicious fruits.

The evening meal should be light and nutritious. It is best to prepare a dish that will consist mainly of protein. Healthy lentils combined with vegetables or salads thereof are suitable for the dinner of a diabetic patient. If you want to eat late, before going to bed, you can drink a glass of warm milk, baked fermented milk or eat low-fat cottage cheese.

Other diet tables for diabetes

Table 8 is the best diet for overweight people with diabetes. But this diet is prescribed on the condition that there are no heart and gastrointestinal diseases. The goal of the diet is weight loss. The consumption of salt and foods that whet the appetite are minimized. You should also not drink more than 1. 2 liters of water. Diet 8 allows you to consume no more than 1, 700 calories per day. These are 80 g of protein, 70 g of fat (one third of which is of vegetable origin), 150 g of carbohydrates and 6 g of salt.

refusal of fat in diabetes mellitus

Doctors recommend to master the 5th table for patients with diabetes and concomitant diseases of the liver and bile ducts. The diet excludes fatty and fried foods, foods with cholesterol, essential oils, oxalic acid. It is allowed to cook food or cook, you can simmer, but in exceptional cases. This diet promotes normalization of the digestive tract, rejuvenation and slows the development of diabetes.

With a diet chart number 10, you have to give up fatty foods.

For diabetics with heart pathologies, a diet corresponding to diet 10. Expanded Table 10 is designed to normalize blood circulation, heart rate and restore metabolic processes in diabetic patients. The diabetic diet prohibits fatty, salty foods that irritate the nervous system, circulatory system and gastrointestinal tract. Instead, you should eat foods fortified with iodine, potassium, and magnesium.

You can experiment with recipes by adding certain permitted ingredients.

Healthy Recipes

Vegetable snack

Cut into large slices 400 g of white cabbage, 6 small tomatoes, 2 carrots, 2 medium onions and 3 fresh peppers. The resulting ingredients should be simmered for a short time on a small amount of vegetable oil and over medium heat. Served as a separate dish. Tasty with poultry and veal or baked fish. Season as desired.

Baked Cabbage Pancakes

Cut half a kilogram of white cabbage, add parsley, dill, green onions, 1 tablespoon of kefir, 1 egg, 50 g of lightly salted cheese, 1 tablespoon of bran, flour (untilto a consistency of sour cream). Mix the resulting ingredients and send to a cold place for 30 minutes. Then lay out the pancakes on a baking sheet and bake until golden brown at 180 degrees.